Coconut oil is one of the most versatile ingredients you can include in your pantry. This simple recipe will please those with a sweet tooth especially!
Melt one cup coconut oil, half a cup of maple syrup, half a cup of raw cacao powder and half a cup of peanut butter. Blend together with a wooden spoon. With baking paper, line a flat metal baking tray (any shape-approximately 20x 20 cm area) with baking paper. Pour out onto tray. Sprinkle with anything you adore. My favourite combinations are: ginger glow tea and sunflower seeds, shredded kaffir lime leaves & coconut, Raspberry and hazelnut, Goji berries & pepitas, pistachios & pomegranate seeds, chopped banana and peanut crumbs.
You can also infuse the mixture with spices like cinnamon, cardamon seeds, chilli flakes, star anise, turmeric, ginger powder and beetroot powder. Alternatively try a slightly sweeter option of matcha powder or perhaps a dash of rose water or orange blossom water. You can then add garnish like rose petals or fresh chopped chilli, orange zest or sesame seeds.
The possibilities are endless !!

Place in freezer until hardened (possibly the longest 20 minutes of your life!!). Keep stored in freezer (as even at fridge temperature it won’t be good for finger friendly eating). For same reason it must be eaten within a minute or so of removal from freezer.
Most important instruction: Whilst waiting for the tray to set, lick the bowl, spoon and spatula clean as a whistle!!
When solid, extract from tray and separate into shards randomly.