Dairy free doesn’t mean you have to give up on flavour! With all the fruits and flavours in the world to choose from, I’m going to be ruled by rainbows.
Here are some smoothie recipes that differ to traditional smoothies which often feature dairy. Using Ulu Hye nut mylk bases, you can create a wonderful full bodied and flavoured smoothie that satisfies. Simply mixing any of Ulu Hye’s 3 bases (hemp, almond or nut (combined almond, cashew & macadamia) with water/any liquid; creates the texture and taste that mimics that of dairy delights whilst also packing in the protein.
Choose your dairy free smoothie recipe below based on the colour that you would like to glow.
Each of the three options start with a base quantity of one tablespoon of nut mylk along with the specified 250 mls liquid. Water could be used in place of any of the 3 liquid options I have suggested.
Ingredients for Dairy Free Smoothies
Option 1. Pink (I used almond mylk base)
1/3 medium size beetroot, 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon, 1/4 teaspoon of cardamom, 250 ml of Greenwood pear juice (pear/apple juice if you prefer)
Option 2. Green (I used hemp mylk base)
A handful of green kale leaves, 200 g green grapes (this gives us all the perfect excuse to gather & purchase those many loose orphaned grapes that end up being vine/stem free in the box in the fridge), 3 stalk heaving with leaves of fresh mint but use without the stalks,250 ml Quench coconut milk
Option 3. Orange (I used nutmylk base)
1 small carrot, 1/4 tsp turmeric powder or 1 cm piece fresh turmeric, 1/ 2 teaspoon of cinnamon, one heaped Tbs of Kubu banana coconut yoghurt & 250 ml water OR 250 mils of Bonsoy soy milk.
Directions for all three smoothie options
Place all ingredients in blender, nutri bullet or thermo mix etc. then whizz away (with or without ice, depending on the temperature & texture you prefer). Pour and enjoy. If you need things a little sweeter than me, add a dash of honey or half a banana.
Along with bananas, adding a tbsp of rolled oats or chia seeds are great ways of thickening smoothies. None of the above recipes require thickening but if you add loads of ice to extend your smoothies, knowing this will help.
All the above recipes are dairy-free and to die for. Depending on the amount/thickness you like, this could serve 1-2 people.